
"but hp gets ronnie’s back by issuing a comment or two so deft i can’t even start to reproduce them here. "

so again totally not thesis related, these are the exercises i've done so far for my character animation class. 4 hws: walk cycle, lift, pitch, and interaction. i'm liking them, though they all still need work. id say they are about at 85 percent done...ish...

yeah, they should make good spots for my animation reel come june


back to thesis now.


Cori said...

cute shayne....i like the last bit.....his body seems very....feminine? His hips are huge

Eric said...

wow- that looks really fun, even though I'm sure it's hard work- you made it look fun.

great animations!

wtCrossing said...

nice acting digging that weight lift. really like when he takes some deep breaths. Keep it up!